Thursday 21 September 2023

I want to comment on the changes to plans for social housing in Victoria the state I live in...
Firstly I should go back to the political campagning one party the Greens made for the homeless state and exploitation of landlords in some cases where rental prices outstripped any income for renting etc etc....the media after about a year suddenly found story after story..but no solutions.
It was and still is a scarey time for so many...not just the young, us the older baby boomers are and have been terrorised by so much uncooperative government  support.'
The Greens made enough noise that finally shifted the assistance to provide much needed funding and incentive to get states moving. 
But it took 2 years !!! while the cruelety continued...some houses in Victoria were built for social houses and a mix of social and to rent ...
Now we have some movement along with some pulling in penalities for the air bnb industry .
It is quite interesting to watch how the media latched onto the air b nb penalty instead of homes for people living in appalling conditions and poverty.
The nation is exposed to how little they care for their fellow people....who have a bias thought towards all people in this predicament it is their fault their desicions led them here....
Just fascinating this weird old snobbery from the mother country comes out with neon lights...
The other fascinating thing is seeing how the media as it is fed hates change.... not too much forward thinking going on... unless it infalets prices and lines others pockets.
Greed not sharing or caring to move forward as one nation....
But homes are now starting to be bult some replacing old derelict social blocks of flats in inner suburbs which rattles the status quo.
So many vacuous thoughts forget each of us is a person ..a human being... 
They scream of needing dogs to travel with them instead on public transport and eating places and pubs... 
See things need to change and hygiene and consideration as a whole needs to start and stop  this spiteful nature